Dream Comes True

Sunday 7 August 2011 @ 7:53:00 pm | (0) comment/s

Thanks a lot for my beloved daddy :)

Finally, after a very long waiting..

I have my camera :D

it's canon 600D :D

Thanks a lot daddy, kiss hug :3

Labels: , ,


Friday 5 August 2011 @ 5:01:00 pm | (0) comment/s

Please, never talk anything bout Harry Potter while you're with me.

You may say I'm a lunatic. But, I hate Harry Potter the most in this world.

Don't ask me further bout this, or I'm gonna explode.
What My Future Will Be

Thursday 28 July 2011 @ 11:45:00 pm | (0) comment/s

I really really really desperately want to learn more about computer. I wish I can study at Informatics Engineering of ITB. *amiiiin*
and this is what I gonna learn 8D

Kurikulum Program Studi S1 Informatika 2003
Semester: 1
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1MA1122Kalkulus I4
2FI1102Fisika Dasar IB3
3KI1112Kimia Dasar IB2
4KU1131Olah Raga I1
5KU1011Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah2
6BI1001Pengetahuan Lingkungan2
7IF1101Pengantar Teknologi Informasi2
8IF1191Pemrograman Web2

Semester: 2
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1MA1222Kalkulus II4
2FI1202Fisika Dasar IIB3
3KI1212Kimia Dasar IIB2
4KU102xBahasa Inggris2
5KU12xxOlah Raga II1
6IF10T1Konsep Teknologi2
7IF1281Algoritma dan Pemrograman4

Semester: 3
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1MA2132Matriks dan Ruang Vektor3
2IF2101Interaksi Manusia Komputer2
3IF2181Struktur Data3
4IF2191Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer I3
5IF2151Matematika Diskrit4
6IF2152Probabilitas dan Statistika3

Semester: 4
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF2281Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek4
2IF2251Strategi Algoritmik2
3IF2261Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak4
4IF2291Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer II3
5IF2252Logika Informatik2
6IF2253Otomata dan Teori Bahasa Formal3

Semester: 5
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF3191Sistem Operasi4
2IF3111Basis Data3
3IF3171Sistem Informasi3
4IF3131Inteligensi Buatan3
5TI4051Manajemen Industri2
6KU4024Penulisan Karya Ilmiah3

Semester: 6
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF3291Jaringan Komputer dan Pengamanannya4
2IF3211Sistem Basis Data3
3IF3292Pemrograman Internet2
4IF3261Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak2
5IF3262Proyek Perangkat Lunak3
6IF3221Grafika Komputer2
7KU206xAgama & Etika2

Semester: 7
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF40K1Kerja Praktek2
2IF40Z1Tugas Akhir I3

Semester: 8
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF40Z2Tugas Akhir II3
2IF4201Sosioteknologi Informasi3
3TI4251Kewirausahaan & Pengembangan Bisnis3
4KU2071Pancasila & Kewarganegaraan2

NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF5041Interpretasi & Pengolahan Citra3
2IF5031Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan3
3IF4051Metode Numerik3
4IF5051Pemodelan dan Simulasi3
5IF5052Algoritma Kombinatorial3
6IF5011Basis Data Non Relasional3
7IF5012Teknologi Basis Data3
8IF4061Analisis & Perancangan Beriorientasi Objek3
9IF4071Otomasi Kantor2
10IF5091Sistem Terdistribusi3
11IF5092Pemrograman Sistem3
12IF5093Wireless/Mobile Computing3
13IF5032Pembelajaran Mesin3
14IF5033Aplikasi Inteligensi Buatan3
15IF5053Teknik Kompilasi3
17IF5055Sistem Temu Balik Informasi3
18IF5013Teori Basis Data3
19IF5014Sistem Basis Data Terdistribusi3
20IF4062Rekayasa Interaksi2
21IF4072Sistem Informasi Enterprise3
22IF5071Rekayasa Ulang Sistem2
23IF5094Sistem Multimedia3
24IF5001Topik Khusus2

Mata Kuliah Khusus Kurikulum 2003 versi 2006:
NoKodeNama Mata KuliahSKS
1IF1282Dasar Pemrograman2
2IF2182Algoritma dan Struktur Data4

just can't wait :)
while I;m waiting, I should S.T.U.D.Y H.A.R.D so I can pass the test and as preparation for future :)



Tuesday 19 July 2011 @ 8:51:00 pm | (0) comment/s

am I the only alien living in this big earth? am I the only one who don't get excited when Harry Potter launched? am I SO different?

Tuesday 7 June 2011 @ 3:19:00 pm | (0) comment/s

today, I do blogwalking. it seems forever since my last time blogging :')
and, I miss it so much.
write entries, show of my stuff, personalized my own blog, exchange links, take and give useful information, keep in touch with friends, and lotta more to do!
see ya soon :)



Tuesday 17 May 2011 @ 8:03:00 pm | (0) comment/s

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
When I feel that I’m getting tired of looking me exhausted,

I want to give all my dreams I’ve kept hard
every time I feel that I’m lacking in many things more than I have
I lost strength in my legs and drop down

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears

Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
But it makes me afraid little by little
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
Someday my painful heart will get well
I hope it helps me now.
I hope the God will help me
I don’t have enough confidence more and more to overcome myself
I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
Someday my painful heart will get well

Someday… Someday…
Venus and Mars

Sunday 27 March 2011 @ 3:53:00 pm | (0) comment/s

my teacher status:
The simplest way to understand the different way of thinking about men and women can be learned from Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are" and Avril Lavigne's "I Love You". If you're sharp enough and can read between the lines, you'll know the difference.
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Avril Lavigne - I Love You
La la, la la la la
La la, la la la

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your sty-yle
But that's not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You're such a sta-ar
But that's not why I love you

Hey, do you feel
Do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you

Being you, just you
Yeah the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

La la, la la la la
La la, la la la

I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that's not why I love you
And how you keep your cool when I'm complicated
But that's not why I love you

Hey-y, do you feel
Do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
And I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you

Being you, just you
Yeah the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

Oh-h-h, oh-h-h-h
Even though we didn't make it through
I am always here for you

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you

Being you, just you
Yeah the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you


Saturday 5 February 2011 @ 2:17:00 pm | (0) comment/s


Are you single - nope
Are you happy - yup
Are you bored - kinda
Are you naked - nope, not yet :p
Are you a blonde - nope
Are you moody - sorta
Are you a lover or a hater - both
Are you hot or cold - damn hot lol
Are you eating- nope
Are you sad - mm, idk haha


Name - claudia
Nicknames – mochan, choi
Any birth marks - yep.
Natural hair color - black
Eye color - deep brown
Height - 150 T.T
Mood - stable
Favorite colour - depends, mostly baby pink
One place you want to visit - SEOUL


Do you believe in love at first sight - umm, idk
Do you believe in soul mates - yup.
Have you ever been hurt emotionally - well yeah, as human being
Have you ever broke someone’s heart? - i guess so hehe
Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - yup.
Are you afraid of commitment? - nope
Who was the last person you hugged? - mm? heather?
Who was the last person you said "i love you" to? - rakun :D


Love or lust - love
Cats or dogs - cat :3
Few best friends or many regular friends? - few best friends
Television or internet - interneeet..
Chinese Or Indian - korean xD
Wild night out or romantic night in - wild night after romantic night =))
Money or Happiness - both
Night or day - night
MSN or phone? cellphone :p


Been caught sneaking out - never
Been skinny dipping - well, nope -.-
Bungee jumped - nope, i wish i could :D
Lied to someone you liked - yes, 'white lie' :Dv
Wanted an ex bf or gf back - no ex yet :p
Cried yourself to sleep? - umm, yeah.
Cried because you lost a pet - i was sad, but didnt cry


Smile or eyes - both :)
Light or dark hair - dark
Hugs or kisses - both =))
Shorter or taller - TALLER
Intelligence or attraction – both
Romantic or spontaneous - both
Funny or serious - funny :D
Confident or shy - confident
looks or charms - both


Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yup.
Ever done drugs - 'drug' my chair? lol
Ever consumed alcohol? - mope
Ever been on a cheerleading team? - nope
Ever Been on a dance team - oh yeah
Ever been on a sports team - well.. nope.
Ever been in a drama play or production - OF COURSE :))
Ever been in a rap video? - nope


Last phone call you made - daddy
Last time you worked - no work :p
Last person you tackled - mm, rakun? :D
Last thing you missed - mmmmm.. idk -.-
Last thing you ate - FRIED CHICKEN :3


Sleep beside you? - my coward brother -.-
You went out to dinner with? - family :D
You talked on the phone to? - daddy


Pierce your nose or tongue? - no way
Be serious or be funny? - both
Drink whole or skim milk? - mm?


Simple or complicated? - simply complicated
Retarded? - erhk --"


Flowers or candy? - candy :)
Gray or black? - depends, gray is sexy i guess lol
Colour or Black and white photos? - colour
Sunrise or sunset? - sunset
Staying up late or waking up early? - staying up late so i dont need to wake up early :))


Sun or moon? - stars
Winter or Summer? - winter
Left or right? - right
10acquaintances or having two best friends? - two best friends
Sun or rain? - rain
Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - chocolate
Vodka or Jack Daniels? - mineral water :))
Nervous Habits? - umm haha
Are you double jointed? - noppee
Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - no -.-
Can you raise one eyebrow? - nope hehe
Can You cross your eyes? - sorta
Do you make your bed daily? - nope :))


Which shoe goes on first? - mm, right
Ever thrown something at someone? - oh yeah
On average how much money do you carry with you? - minimal 10.000 rp :D
What jewellery do you wear? - none
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twirl
Favorite ice cream? - mini melts :D
How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - 2
Do you cook? - mm, yeah, egg etc haha


Had a relationship? - yup
Bought something? - yup
Sang? - yuup
Been hugged? - yup
Felt stupid? - i'm stupid.
Missed someone? - damn missed him
Kissed someone? - :Dv


Last car ride? - home
Last song played? - it's my life (yui)



Monday 27 December 2010 @ 5:23:00 pm | (0) comment/s

what should I do to control my easily-blushed-face?




Monday 20 December 2010 @ 11:30:00 am | (0) comment/s

"it's been a month since you are being like this!"
"what do you want?"
"hey, I know you are tired about this, why don't you just settle for the less?"
"If I could, I would"
"what makes you couldn't do it then?"
"we both have mistakes as human being. so I wanna give some chance to not do it again."
"just it? that's nonsense!"
"nope. what have done to me, too many to tell you. that's why. at least I would give some returns first."
"haha, okay, i agree with you. but, have you ever think that being together just will make you to return something much more than over it now?"
"yes. there's another point."
"what's that?"
"feeling and trust. undoubted, i still have it. in other sides, it's frustrated me"
"oh, you kid. you are too young to talk about it."
"do you think you are mature enough to give me a lecture?"
"no. but here, I'm telling you rational things when you thinking about irrational things. Subjective and Objetive view."
"what's you purpose then?"
"to HELP you, of course"
"it won't help."
"but, right now you are thinking both of the view, right?"
"from the very long time."
"so, what you wanna do?"
"I'm not sure. Just, wait for the time when everything turns just like what I'm afraid of."
"are you ready?"
"no, but I HAVE to be ready"
"I bet you won't. prepare for tissues"
"I have many in my bedroom, and I don't need one. just a little privacy."
"so, whatcha do while waiting for the time?"
"enjoy it as much as I can."
"can you?"
"okay. wish you all the best. wish everything changes RIGHT NOW so that 'something you are afraid of' won't come true."
"yes, I wish. thank you."


247 (Feat. 아이유) - 세개의 시선

Sunday 19 December 2010 @ 3:21:00 pm | (0) comment/s

247 (Feat. 아이유) - 세개의 시선

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to me a heaven
everynight dream of you (oh)
twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to real present
just can let`s you go

스물네시간 하고 또 일곱날을
아무 대책도 없이 난 이러고 있어
아주 사소한 말다툼에 나도 모르게
헤어지자고 말해 버린거야
열한 자리 번호에 내 운명을 걸었어
제발 받아줘

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to me a heaven
everynight dream of you (oh)
twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to real present
just can let`s you go

자존심으론 누구 못지 않은 널
돌이키는게 쉽지 않은걸 알아
너를 그렇게 보내는게 아니었는데
다시 한번만 내게 기회를 줘
열한 자리 번호에 내 운명을 걸었어
제발 받아줘

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to me a heaven
everynight dream of you (oh)
twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (oh)
to real present
just can let`s you go

너를 사랑해
너여야만 해

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (everyday evrynight )
to me a heaven
everynight dream of you (everynight dream of you)

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (everyday evrynight)
to real present
just can let`s you go

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (iu)
to me a heaven (to me a heaven)
everynight dream of you (everyday evrynight )

twenty four seven
everyday i ring for you (everyday evrynight )
to real present
just can let`s you go

Labels: ,

100 Facts

@ 12:50:00 am | (0) comment/s

1. Last beverage = root beer
2. Last phone call = mommy
3. Last text message = ra-kun *as usual*
4. Last song you listened to = SCANDAL - Namida no Regret
5. Last time you cried = last month i guess? haha.. soon maybe.

6. Dated someone twice = no
7. Been cheated on = no
8. Kissed someone & regretted it =no
9. Lost someone special = no
10. Been depressed = i guess yes haha
11. Been drunk and threw up = no

12. pink
13. baby blue
14. grey

15. Made a new friend = yep. a lot of friends :D
16. Fallen out of love = deeply.
17. Laughed until you cried = yeah haha..
18. Met someone who changed you = i guess.
19. Found out who your true friends were = no comment.
20. Found out someone was talking about you = yeah. a lot of rumours.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = by text? yeah :))
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = mostly.
23. How many kids do you want to have = 3 :D
24. Do you have any pets = yeah, turtle. but i guess it's dying --"
25. Do you want to change your name = yeah, with the one that sounds like korean or japanese lol
26. What did you do for your last birthday = thinking "what I wanna be"
27. What time did you wake up today = 5.30am, but sleep again -.-
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = dreaming. a nightmare i guess.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = fortunately I'm quite patient.
30. Last time you saw your Mother = several minutes ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = my bad lucks turn into good lucks :D
32. What are you listening to right now = my laptop machine's sound.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Tommy? yeah :P
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = REMEDIAL TESTS SUCKS.
35. Most visited webpage = facebook?
36. Whats your real name = claudia primasiwi
37. Nicknames = claudia, mochan, choi.
38. Relationship Status = taken.
39. Zodiac sign = scorpio
40. Male or female? = female
41. Elementary? = SD Islam Al-Fajar, Bekasi
42. Middle School = SMPN 6, Surabaya
43. High School/College = SMAN 2, Surabaya
44. Hair colour = black.
45. Long or short = medium.
46. Height = no comment --"
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = yeah.
48: What do you like about yourself? = my ability to see the problem through many perspectives. but sometimes it turns into self-conflict lol. 
49. Piercings = no.
50. Tattoos = nope.
51. Righty or lefty = righty - both maybe lol.

52. First surgery = never
53. First piercing = ears
54. First best friend = idk
55. First sport you joined = what's sport? lol
56. First vacation = idk :/
58. First pair of trainers = uniform's lol

59. Eating = nope
60. Drinking = nope
61. I'm about to = sleep. it's too late
62. Listening to = nothing
63. Waiting for = miracle

64. Want kids= sure :D
65. Get Married= ofcourse xD
66. Career = owner of boutique, web designer, IT technician lol

67. Lips or eyes? = eyes :3
68. Hugs or kisses? = hugs i guess lol
69. Shorter or taller? = taller haha
70. Older or Younger? = older :D
71. Romantic or spontaneous ? = spontaneous I guess haha..
72. Nice stomach or nice arms? = nice stomach? like Si Won ROFL
73. Sensitive or loud ? = idk
74. Hook-up or relationship? = relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant? = trouble maker maybe lol

76. Kissed a stranger? = no
77. Drank hard liquor? = no
78. Lost glasses/contacts? = no
79. Sex on first date? = no
80. Broken someone's heart? = i guess lol
81. Had your own heart broken? = yeah
82. Been arrested? = no
83. Turned someone down? = i guess lol
84. Cried when someone died? = hmm.. idk.
85. Lied to your bestfriend? = no

86. Yourself? = yeah - sometimes
88. Love at first sight? = yes?
89. Heaven? = SURE :)
90. Santa Claus?= nope
91. Kiss on the first date?= what should I believe with this thing?
92. Angels? = yeah :)

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? = secret :p lol, no
95. Did you sing today? = yeah xD
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = no
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = toddler. I won't do silly things such like said: "Mom, this PIZZA tastes like BREAD, isn't it?" --"
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = 23 October 2010. 
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = no
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = no, but 100 facts :p



Thursday 16 December 2010 @ 6:31:00 pm | (0) comment/s

dej mi trochu sluníčka, dej mi trochu deště.
Dej mi další šanci, chci vyrůst znovu.


Flirt Attack

Sunday 12 December 2010 @ 7:04:00 pm | (0) comment/s

i've got flirt attack today.
and he must responsible because he makes me addicted to him



I'm a Better Girl!

@ 10:18:00 am | (0) comment/s

i've just read my old magazine - Seventeen (January 2009), and found an interesting column about "Your Life: Be a Better Girl"

and I guess I will not have such this pressure again. :))


Co-Ed School - Bbiribbom Bberibbom Lyrics and Translation

Tuesday 7 December 2010 @ 12:34:00 am | (0) comment/s


조금만 더 가까이 다가와봐봐
조금만 더 내맘을 다 가져봐봐

나를 따라와봐
내게 미쳐봐 Baby
나를 가져봐봐
니가 날 원하는대로 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

아아아아아아아 삐리뽐
에에에에에에에 빼리뽐
아아아아아아아 삐리뽐
에에에에에에에 ~

널 처음봤을때부터 난
심장이 미쳐 날뛰더라
내 생각엔 정말 넌 다른 여자와는 차원이 달라
Halo 인사부터 할게 별로 맘에 안들어도
나로 말할것 같음 쉬운 남잔 개나줘버려
몇일을 몇날을 두고 봤지만 이러다가 나 혼자 병나
가슴이 뭔가가 걸려 탈이 난것 같아
자꾸만 심장이 뛰는게 겁나 이러다가 죽을지 몰라
불타는 맘을 알아 삐리뽐 빼리뽐


넌 나의 유일한 탈출구 클럽의 여자 말구
나만을 위해 노랠 불러줄 You're my boo
이제부터 난 너의 24시간 대기조
다른 말은 필요없어 오직 이 단어 Y.O.U

절대로 멋대로 생각하지마 저울질이라 여기지마
난 밀고 당기는건 취미없어 In my life
그대로 내게로 지금 멈춰라 내 맘속에 돌을 던져라
흔들리는 내 맘은 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

내영혼이 미쳐 너에게 빠져
정신을 못차려
나에게 와줘 너를 보여줘

REPEAT [**] synced with [***]



jogeumman deo gakkai dagawabwabwa
jogeumman deo naemameul da gajyeobwabwa

Dah dah dah dah dah dah
nareul ttarawabwa
Deoh deoh deoh deoh deoh deoh
naege michyeobwa Baby
Dah dah dah dah dah dah
nareul gajyeobwabwa
niga nal wonhaneundaero bbiribbom bberibbom

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah bbiribbom
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh bberibbom
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah bbiribbom
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ~

neol cheoeumbwasseulttaebuteo nan
simjangi michyeo nalttwideora
nae saenggagen jeongmal neon dareun yeojawaneun chawoni dalla
Halo insabuteo halge byeollo mame andeureodo
naro malhalgeot gateum swiun namjan gaenajwobeoryeo
myeochireul myeotnareul dugo bwatjiman ireodaga na honja byeongna
gaseumi mwongaga geollyeo tari nangeot gata
jakkuman simjangi ttwineunge geomna ireodaga jugeulji molla
bultaneun mameul ara bbiribbom bberibbom


neon naui yuilhan talchulgu keulleobui yeoja malgu
namaneul wihae norael bulleojul You're my boo
ijebuteo nan neoui 24sigan daegijo
dareun mareun pillyoeobseo ojik i daneo Y.O.U

jeoldaero meotdaero saenggakhajima jeouljirira yeogijima
nan milgo danggineungeon chwimieobseo In my life
geudaero naegero jigeum meomchwora nae mamsoge doreul deonjyeora
heundeullineun nae mameun bbiribbom bberibbom

naeyeonghoni michyeo neoege ppajyeo
jeongsineul motcharyeo
naege wajwo neoreul boyeojwo

REPEAT [**] synced with [***]



Come just a little closer
just a little more, take all of my heart

Dah dah dah dah dah dah
Follow me
more more more more more more
Be crazy for me Baby
Dah dah dah dah dah dah
Have me You bbiribbom bbaeribbom as I desire

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah bbiribbom
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh bberibbom
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah bbiribbom
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh ~

From the first time I saw you, my heart raged
In my thoughts, really, you with other women is on another level
Halo I'll do it from the greeting, I don't particularly like it either
As I said, like an easy man giving away a dog
I watched like this for several days
but at this rate, I'll be alone and sick
Something is caught in my heart and it feels like I'm sick
My heart always beats in a way that I'm afraid;
at this rate I don't know if I'll die
I know your burning heart bbiribbom bbaeribbom


You're my only escape; stop with the club's girls
Sing only for my sake You're my boo
From now on, I'm your 24 hour standby
No need for other words, only this word: Y.O.U

Definitely don't think as you please, compare and consider
I'm pushing and pulling, there is no interest in my life
As it is, stop coming to me now; Throw rocks at my heart
My shaking heart bbiribbom bbaeribbom

My soul is crazy, falling for you
can't come to my senses
come to me, show yourself to me

REPEAT [**] synced with [***]


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남녀공학 - 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

Saturday 20 November 2010 @ 6:39:00 pm | (0) comment/s

남녀공학 - 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

조금만 더 가까이 다가와봐봐 조금만 더 내맘을 다 가져봐봐

*다다다다다다 나를 따라와봐 더더더더더더 내게 미쳐봐 Baby
다다다다다 나를 가져봐봐 니가 날 원하는대로 삐리뽐 빼리뽐
아아아아아아아 삐리뽐 에에에에에에에 빼리뽐
아아아아아아아 삐리뽐 에에에에에에에에

널 처음봤을때부터 난 심장이 미쳐 날뛰더라
내 생각엔 정말 넌 다른 여자와는 차원이 달라
Halo 인사부터 할게 별로 맘에 안들어도
나로 말할것 같음 쉬운 남잔 개나줘버려

몇일을 몇날을 두고 봤지만 이러다가 나 혼자 병나
가슴이 뭔가가 걸려 탈이 난것 같아
자꾸만 심장이 뛰는게 겁나 이러다가 죽을지 몰라
불타는 맘을 알아 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

넌 나의 유일한 탈출구 클럽의 여자 말구
나만을 위해 노랠 불러줄 You`re my boo
이제부터 난 너의 24시간 대기조
다른 말은 필요없어 오직 이 단어 Y.O.U

**절대로 멋대로 생각하지마 저울질이라 여기지마
난 밀고 당기는건 취미없어 In my life
그대로 내게로 지금 멈춰라 내 맘속에 돌을 던져라
흔들리는 내 맘은 삐리뽐 빼리뽐

내영혼이 미쳐 너에게 빠져 정신을 못차려 나에게 와줘 너를 보여줘


Espiritus Peladores :)

Thursday 4 November 2010 @ 9:58:00 pm | (0) comment/s

Japanese news reading competition
I failed, haha --"
but I realized one thing that I need to take theater or vocal class to make my voice louder -.-

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Sunday 24 October 2010 @ 1:20:00 am | (0) comment/s

お誕生日 おめでとう~^^

お父さんと Miaと Ra-Kunと プレセントを もらいます。

お父さんに Nokia X5を もらいます。
Miaに ”Rabbit Bank”を もらいます。

Ra-Kunに ”mini cabinet”を もらいます。とても 可愛い ですね♥

どうも ありがとう ございます~~!!!

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What I Wanna Be

Saturday 16 October 2010 @ 3:52:00 pm | (0) comment/s

I want my name become Claudia Primasiwi, M.S.C

and then marry a man *I'd like 2 but who want to marry me, JK LOL xD*, have 3 children: 1 son and 2 twins daughter, live in the hippiest town of my dream: Tokyo!

and have my own clothing lines - 4 of them :D
and I wish I can be succeed in developing my clothing lines :)

after having such a tiring yet fun life, after finally I can send all my children to their desired university and bring them to their happily-ever-after life, I want to enjoy my retire life in the suburban of a town and have my own victorian house style.
*I know it's a dog house, but I like it! :3*


Crappy LOL

Sunday 26 September 2010 @ 11:35:00 pm | (0) comment/s

today, Nadiah Fairuz Azzahrah a.k.a Ha-Chan and I supposed to visit the opening of Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition.
It should be held on 07.30 PM, but we didn't really sure about it, so we went there on 08.00 AM.

but yeah, it was held as should be =.=
so, we continue our journey to attend Japan Overdrive, an event that was held by Japanese lovers community in our town. but, it started at 11.00 AM. and, we were there x)
then, for the first time, we know how lucky we were, there were a 24-hours place such as McD for us to have a chit chat hahaha :))
and, it's camwhoring time :p

me, Ha-Chan

oh, and accidents happened on the man's toilet.
first, a little girl went into the man's toilet. it happened twice :O

oops, sorry girl x)

and, a boy and her mom went into the man's toilet. the little boy needed his mom when dropping.
and suddenly, another boy went into the toilet straightly.
luckily, the toilet wasn't locked. so, we had a good time there, observing people who got into the wrong toilet :P

and, continued to a department store, camwhoring in the fitting room :3

and, finally we came to Japan Overdrive.
met ra-kun there hahaha :))
no photo here, it was dark heh --'

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Sudden Japan!

Friday 24 September 2010 @ 11:20:00 pm | (0) comment/s

today, Ha-Chan and I gave our school an attack:

sudden japanese on the canteen crowd x)

both of us wore yukata *but I think it's kimono. hmm~*, and bought drinks at the canteen.

just like the spotlight spotted us, we were famous hahaha xD

left to right: me, ha-chan

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Friday 3 September 2010 @ 12:36:00 pm | (0) comment/s

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
a feeling of anxiety or mental pressure from overexposure or involvement with (computer) technology


once, while doing argumentative essay about drawbacks of technology, my friend told about technostress.
in other way, technostress can be defined as mental disorder because too much dealing with computer such as we become more impatient because of internet's slow connection.

well, I'm afflicted technostress then, help! ._.


Fun Observation :D

Tuesday 31 August 2010 @ 6:04:00 pm | (0) comment/s

today, I have a biology observation, about osmosis and I observed onion's epidermis.
but, the one that made it fun for me is not that thing :D

using a pipette, Mia put water drops on my skin. I requested her for the pattern of the water drop


read: ra-kun

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Try to Follow Me?

Sunday 29 August 2010 @ 12:02:00 am | (0) comment/s

seriously, I just want to WRITE.
I don't care if you read this or not, none of my business.

you, yeah you.
we've been close enough for one years.
I found it nice but now, seems that you slowly but surely copying me.
well, okay, maybe you don't mean it but still..
please have your originality, ok?

first, blogging.
you started to blog - not really active I know - after listening to my teacher and I talking about blog.
maybe you were inspired by your friends, but why .....

second, asian stuff.
you join the same activity as mine, and you talked about dramas to me although I've told you thousands time I'm not into drama.

third, headset.
I know you are a kind of human who can't live without music and I know you're looking for headset.
I buy a headset and you ask me 'how was it?' I said 'fine. I love the design, not the quality'
and one day you tried on my friends and you kept ask me about it then finally bought it.

the most recent one, the printed-screen.
I printed a screen randomly, where a couple of human photos are there, and why do you did the same thing?

I know I'm cool enough for you, but gimme more space to express my self with no one copy it, please? :)
